I have something kind of important to say.
First off, this post goes out to anyone in the Texas Creative sequence, anyone who wants to be, and anyone involved in advertising. Mind you, I just got home from celebrating the graduation of a few close friends (not including myself- yay five year plans and victory laps!) but just being in that environment, surrounded by my peers who are about to be forced into the real world, I felt inspired to blog. Even if it's 2 a.m., what I have to say is really important, so listen the hell up because the next sentence I type is the most crucial part of this post.
Things are going to suck sometimes. That's just how it works. You're gonna work your ass off making something you're proud of, and then you're gonna be lectured on everything that's wrong with it. Whether its final critique in the creative sequence or it's an interview for an advertising internship, it's impossible to please everyone. I'm living proof of this. I worked like crazy on my four campaigns for P2, and all I have to show for it is a score of 6/10 at final critique. Yes, it's a little discouraging, but I'm finally starting to learn that it's okay.
I lied when I said earlier that this goes out to anyone in creative or in advertising. I'm really just trying to reach out to anyone who's ever felt like they aren't good enough, or anyone who has ever felt discouraged in their major, no matter what it is. The last thing I want to do is get all Disney-channel on you, but I have to for a second- DON'T GIVE UP. Just don't. You have so much time ahead of you to fix your mistakes and make things right. Hell, I've got only one more year to prove I'm good enough before I'm unwillingly whisked into the world of stress and unemployment, but you can bet your ass I'm gonna work like crazy to make it in advertising. I'm not gonna lie, the road to determination was not easy to find. I even convinced myself that I was in the wrong major at one point, but I'm starting to realize I was just making excuses. My score at critique may have been a low blow to my confidence, but the e-mail confirming I moved on from P2 to P3 in the Texas Creative Sequence reminded me of everything I've worked so hard for. There's still time to make new campaigns and improve the old ones, it's not even close to over. Things are about to change, and I'm gonna make sure of it.