Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Creative Lesson Learned

I'm pretty sure not even ten minutes have passed since my last post, and I already have something new that I learned and am ready to share. Call it me passing on a lesson that I learned the hard way, call it me wanting to knock out another blog post before this impending deadline, or call it me not wanting to face the damage I've done since getting back to work on this torch that I now hate with a fiery (heh) passion. They pretty much all apply either way. But I digress, I think it's important for you to know that when you're working on something very very important, make sure you PRESS SAVE, LIKE, EVERY FIVE SECONDS. Or at least every time you make some decent progress. I'm pretty sure you can infer what just happened to me, and my torch ( or lack thereof, thanks to my stupidity.)
Okay so like I said, it's only about ten minutes of work that I lost. It could have been infinitely worse. Either way though, with critique just a little over a week away and so much work to still get done, every second is precious. Even taking the short bit of time to write this blog is stressing me out right now. (I also just pressed 'save' on this blog post, because well, you never know.) As much as I feel like I'm about to sound like a bank or insurance or wal-mart commerical, I have to say it, because I promise you'll thank me later- ALWAYS SAVE. Even if you have the world's second-slowest computer (mine is the slowest) and it takes longer to save your work than you would like, it's gonna take even longer to get it back if something happens. NOT WORTH THE RISK. Just save everything, and save it often.
Now, it's time for me to get back to work on this campaign, I'll keep you posted (pun intended).

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