Friday, December 28, 2012

Adjusting to the Bamboo

I think it's pretty clear that the Bamboo tablet and I are not friends yet.  A couple nights ago I opened one of the most exciting presents I received this holiday season, and by the title of this post I'm sure you know what it was. I was beyond thrilled because all through P1 I kept thinking about how my life would be infinitely easier if I had a tablet to help me in creating my campaigns. I'm not sure why exactly I thought I would be such a natural at it, because one of the first messages I created is shown up above, and, like it says, "its not lookingood..." (sheesh, I can't even spell on this thing!) As someone who's been drawing my whole life, I started out thinking the tablet would be just like drawing on paper. That definitely is not the case. The fact that you have to look up instead of at your hands as you draw, to see the result actually makes a huge difference, one that I was not prepared for. There's a disconnect there that you have to get used to, and I guess I'm just not there yet. Shortly after this, I tried writing out the whole alphabet and it looked slightly better, so I'm counting on the fact that if I practice enough I'll get the hang of it. Let's just hope I'm right.

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