Sunday, December 2, 2012

10 days, 7 tentacles

I just realized how often I find myself tweeting about the creative sequence, especially lately because things haven't ever been as crazy as they are right now. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade this for anything, but sometimes its nice to take a 10 second break and tweet about stress, meltdowns, and attempt number seven to create tentacles coming out of a bucket of popcorn. It's ironic that I'm currently undertaking task of making something that would never actually happen in real life look realistic and believable on paper. (Find me a real photograph of an octopus, kraken, or any other tentacled marine creature attacking a bucket of popcorn, and I'll retract my previous statement with an embarrassed apology.) As noted earlier, if you follow me on twitter you'll know I'm currently on my seventh attempt of creating these tentacles that I'm slowly starting to resent. (If you don't follow me on twitter, now you know.) I've gotten to the point where I've been at this for so long that it's necessary to take a short but productive break, hence the purpose of this blog post. Though I'm currently making something that right now seems impossible, I'm a lot further than I expected to be. Everything I've created for this today on illustrator and photoshop is something new I just learned. I know that I'm learning a lot as I go along and this will make it easier for me when I come around to the other three in this campaign.

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