Tuesday, April 23, 2013

GSD&M Agency Spotlight

I can't go on an agency research binge and not talk about GSD&M. I pass the gorgeous building on all my frequent Whole Foods ventures, so the fact that working here means I get to live in Austin intrigued me enough to look into the agency more. I'd already done quite a bit of research when applying here for a summer internship (fingers crossed!) and was certain I could fit in here. Their clients include Southwest Airlines, Walgreens, Austin City Limits, and many more. Their work and the conceptual thinking behind it for these clients showed a great deal of creativity and initiative, two very important skills if you want to make it in this industry.
Their Jarritos campaign caught my eye while browsing through the website because its all about introducing the brand and raising awareness, which is something I am currently working on in one of my campaigns for P2. It was really helpful to see a good example of how this can be done in a creative and effective way. I really admire GSD&M for their strategic and creative work, and believe this agency would be a great place for me to thrive and learn more about making incredible ads.

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