Monday, October 21, 2013

Mercedes Invisible Car

While looking for some digital inspiration, I stumbled across a seriously awesome campaign by Jung Von Matt agency for Mercedes' new f-cell vehicle. They were trying to market their "most innovative drive technology," and found a really awesome way to do this. In this digital campaign idea, Mercedes was promoting their new fuel cell vehicle to increase awareness about it's minimal environmental impact. This idea reached out to adults that can afford luxury vehicles and are environmentally conscious. Minimal environmental impact was key feature to communicate in this campaign, and they did so by covering the car in screens and parading the car around Germany. A camera on one side of the car was connected to the screens so that the car appeared to be invisible. The idea was to showcase the vehicle's "invisibility" to the environment through this digital idea, and making the car appear to be invisible was a clever way to show this. There is a link to a youtube video showing how that made this possible that can be accessed by clicking here. The best part is seeing everyone's reactions.

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