Thursday, October 31, 2013

Digital Screen for Hair Dye Newbies

Yesterday I went to Target and saw a really cool digital idea in the hair section of the store. There was a digital screen that was user friendly and interactive, where one could look up their hair color and what they wanted to dye it to get recommendations on which dye to get for the best results. My best guess is that this idea was aimed at females in their college years who have little to no experience with hair dye. In other words, me. As a brunette who tried going blonde over the summer because why not, I'm slightly resentful that this didn't exist until like, now. This is a really awesome idea, and it would've saved me several trips to the salon, not to mention like seventeen breakdowns when every at-home dye experience left me with hair the color of cat pee. Needless to say, I'm back to being brunette.

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