Thursday, October 24, 2013

TNT Digital Campaign

This digital campaign that TNT did cracked me up. The agency responsible was none other than Duval Guillame. I linked to the video, which you can access by clicking here, but here's a brief summary of what goes down: In order to target fans of drama shows on television, a button was placed on a seemingly ordinary looking street in Belgium. The button that says "Push to add drama." When pushed, a series of ridiculous events occur almost immediately, and once its all over a giant banner rolls down from the side of a building with TNT's logo and it's signature tagline, "We know Drama." That summary doesn't even begin to do this campaign justice, the video below is definitely worth watching. Much like the previous post I did about Mercedes' invisible car, the reactions of bystanders is priceless. The cool part of this idea was that it took place on a quiet ordinary street in Belgium, where nothing particularly interesting happens. It sends the message that TNT can add some drama/ excitement to your everyday life, and it definitely caught peoples' attention.

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